
Current Opening

My lab periodically looks for highly motivated students. Our lab is run family-style and we typically have casual events every two to four weeks. You will also get a stash of stickers with our Cube³ logo on them!

Dr. Wang is a member of the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group (BMEGG).

Currently, Dr. Wang is:

  • not accepting graduate students. Dr. Wang currently does not have sufficient external funding to support graduate students. Expected dates of opening for graduate students are currently unknown.
  • not considering serving on thesis committees (MS/PhD), unless your thesis has a significant portion of engineering education or machine learning content.
  • not accepting undergraduate students, volunteer or for BIM 199 credit. There may be opportunities soon depending on current research progress, so please check back from time to time.

Dr. Wang does not return inquiries to join the lab when the lab has no opening. However, if you want to know what we are doing or have an idea about how to improve the life of our undergraduate students, the whole lab is willing to hear from you!

Becoming an Undergraduate Cubicle

We typically do not have openings until the quarter before the graduation of the current members. When we recruit members, we look for undergraduates who are highly motivated to improve the experiences of BME undergraduates. You must be:

  • In good minimal progress standing and possess a 2.8 or higher GPA at UC Davis.
  • Excited about contributing to engineering education, specifically in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) among the BME undergraduate population. Working on projects involving course content can be challenging due to FERPA regulations on your fellow classmates' academic work.
  • Clear about why training in an engineering education-focused lab will contribute to your future endeavors.

We require the following commitment in the Cube³ lab:

  • We typically take people who have a minimum of two years left in their program of study and commit to work in the Cube³ lab for the full duration of your undergraduate studies. Engineering educational research can be inherently social. Formulating social research plans and analyzing the results often requires patience and a long-term plan that may last years.
  • We require you to join the Undergraduate Subcommittee of the Health, Equity, and Wellness (HEW) in the BME department and become an active member.
  • We expect you to put in 3-10 hours a week, depending on how many research events organized by Cube³ is going on. Most of these events will happen during the regular class quarters (Fall/Winter/Spring), so plan accordingly. If you elect BIM 199 units, you are expected to contribute 3 hours per (week times unit).

When we have openings and you are interested in working with Cube³, please contact Dr. Wang.