Tiffany Chan Wins URC Travel Award
$500 Award for Presentation in BMES
Congratulations to our cubicle Tiffany Chan, who has just secured a share of the Fall 2023 Travel Award offered by the Undergraduate Research Center at UC Davis. The travel awards enable undergraduate students to present their research work in regional and national conferences.
Tiffany's presentation in BMES 2023 has earned her $500 towards her travel expenses for presenting in Seattle this year. The Cube³ Lab is appreciative to Tiffany's contributions towards research happening in the lab and her efforts towards making the BME students' lives better! The Cube³ Lab would also like to thank Tate's contributions to making the project happen, despite her not being able to make it this year.
Hopefully, a full paper about the efforts with respect to our investigations in student-faculty micro-interactions will be published soon!
Chan, TM., Chatfield, TL., Wang, X. 2023. Initial Investigation of Student-Faculty Micro-Interactions on Students’ Sense of Belonging through Organized Student-Faculty Lunches. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting 2023.